Horses, Hot Weather and Flies

As the sun beats down on a scorching late summer day, horses face significant challenges dealing with heat and flies. In this blog post, we’ll explore how hot weather and flies can affect horses and provide some essential tips to help keep your bosom buddies comfortable.

Horses, hot weather and flies
Monkey’s eyes swell horribly


Horses are susceptible to heat-related stress and discomfort, much like humans. Here’s how hot weather can affect them:

  1. Dehydration: High temperatures can lead to excessive sweating, causing horses to lose valuable fluids. Dehydration can result in fatigue, reduced performance, and even heatstroke.
  2. Heat Stress: Horses can suffer from heat stress, leading to elevated heart rates, heavy panting, and lethargy. In severe cases, it can be life-threatening.
  3. Sunburn: Just like us, horses can get sunburned, particularly on their noses and other areas with less hair or pigmentation.


Flies and Their Constant Irritation:

Flies are a constant problem for horses, but their presence can be especially pronounced in hot weather, especially in spring and again in late summer and early fall. These pesky insects can cause numerous issues:

  1. Irritation: Flies incessantly bother horses, causing them to stomp their hooves, swish their tails, and rub against objects to alleviate the itching and discomfort.
  2. Potential Infections: Flies can transmit diseases and parasites to horses through bites. Open wounds from fly bites can also become infected.


Tips to Keep Your Horses Comfortable:

  1. Provide Shade: Ensure that your horses have access to shaded areas, whether it’s natural shade from trees or man-made shelters. This will help them escape the harsh sun when needed.
  2. Stay Hydrated: Always provide fresh, clean water for your horses. Consider adding electrolytes to their diet to help replenish lost minerals due to sweating.
  3. Fly Control: Invest in fly masks, fly sheets, and fly repellents to protect your horses from the constant irritation of flies. Regularly clean manure and use fly traps to reduce fly populations in the barn.
  4. Adjust Riding Times: Avoid the hottest part of the day. Schedule rides and workouts during the cooler morning or evening hours.
  5. Grooming: Regular grooming not only keeps your horse clean but also helps you spot any potential fly bites or skin issues early on.
  6. Fan and Misting Systems: In extreme heat, consider using fans and misting systems in your horse’s shelter to provide relief from high temperatures.


Horses, hot weather, and flies can be a challenging combination, but with proper care and attention, you can help your horses remain comfortable and healthy during the sweltering summer months. By addressing their hydration, shelter, and fly control needs, you’ll help your horses thrive in even the hottest of conditions.


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So click the link below which will take you to our website where we have our favorite links!

Absorbine UltraShield EX

Bronco E Equine Fly Spray


Fly Trap Outdoor Hanging Fly Catcher

RESCUE! Non-Toxic TrapStik for Flies

Victor M380 Fly Magnet

Harrison Howard Superior Comfort Horse Fly Mask

Professional’s Choice CFM Comfort Fit Fly Mask

Charlie Horse Fly Masks