Figuratively Taking Your Spaniel By The Tail

When I talk about figuratively taking your Spaniel by the tail , I’m referring to you and your life. My dad was a great example of someone who always took the world head on and accomplished their dreams.

He grew up poor but with big dreams. Some of his favorite sayings were “Weight (or wait) broke the wagon down.” And “He who hesitates is lost.”

Figuratively taking your spaniel by the tail mean not procrastinating
Weight (or wait) broke the wagon down

The first of his sayings took me a while to figure out. He always used it when we were hesitating to do something or make a decision. The literal translation would indicate a heavy load breaks down the wagon. This could also be attributed to the way we think about things.

The second of his sayings was always more easily understood but not necessarily easy to apply. Growing up with that mindset, I quite often leap into things before I look. Ted on the other hand, always looks before he leaps. When he doesn’t look, it is me saying “whoa, let’s look at this before we go doing something we might regret.”

Being Smart about Decision making

When figuratively taking your Spaniel by the tail, we need to be smart but when we wait or hesitate, we lose momentum and focus. We allow our fears and uncertainties to take over thus allowing the world or our proverbial Spaniel to control our destiny.

My husband and I have always had big dreams but never knew exactly how to make them work. Over and over, we would run the numbers for different businesses and they never panned out. The cost was too high, the risk was too much, etc.

We have been victims of our own doubts and uncertainty allowing our “Spaniel” to have us by the tail. Life has told us what to do instead of the other way around.

We are trying to change that. This last year, we have been learning and growing and changing our mindset, attitudes, and habits to take control of our own destiny and make it what we want it to be.

Why figuratively taking your Spaniel by the tail is important

So, WHY should we all take our “Spaniel by the tail?”

The benefits of controlling our own destiny instead of allowing the world to tell us when, where, why and how to be are HUGE.

Wouldn’t you like to get up each morning and plan your day YOUR way? Wouldn’t you like the freedom to serve others, go to a Spaniel show, pursue your passions, whatever your dream looks like?

I firmly believe each of us has the power and brilliance inside us to be and do whatever that is.

That is WHY we must “Take our Spaniel by the tail!”