Following Your Dreams

The term following your dreams is kind of cliché and overused. So is the term taking the tiger by the tail.

I have told my children when they seem lost and unsure of their direction that if they don’t take life head on and tell it what to do, Life will tell them what to do.

I recently saw a video about sitting on our talents and coasting through life instead of taking it by the tail and making it what we want it to be.

So, I thought “taking the Spaniel by the tail would appeal to you – our friends and followers. How are you taking your “Spaniel” by the tail?

Following your dreams
Following your dreams

Let’s Talk Literal

 My kids said, “Cocker Spaniels don’t have much of a tail to take hold of. 😉” But some do and lots of other Spaniel breeds have tails. This saying is literal or figurative. First, lets talk about a literal interpretation.

If you’ve had Spaniels for very long, you know it can be tough to “take them by the tail” and hold on for long, LOL. Spaniels are the some of the most loveable, eager to please, playful, mischievous, stubborn dogs you may ever have the pleasure of knowing.

Spaniel people need to ensure that their dogs are properly handled and taught basic obedience and manners. If not, we may find ourselves being led around by our dogs! Picture that!!! Does this sound familiar?

Are your dogs telling you what to do with life and them? How is that working for you?

Do you have a firm handle on what is going on in your world and with your dogs?

Taking your Spaniel by the tail
Taking Our Spaniel Taffy by the Tail

Let’s Talk Figurative

Figuratively, when I talk about taking “the Spaniel by the tail,” I am talking about your life. What does your life look like? Does it look like what you envisioned for yourself when you were 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 years old?

Our dreams change and morph constantly, but have you achieved any of the things you envisioned for yourself? Do you feel as though life has controlled you instead of you controlling life?

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a famous gymnast, a rodeo barrel racer, an actress, a singer, a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader and a mom.

As a teenager, I wanted to go to college, be a secretary, a volleyball player, a cheerleader and a mom (I focused more on the now). When I graduated from High School I knew I wanted to finish college, get married and raise a family.

I did those things. I finished college, got married, worked and started a family which I was fortunate enough to stay home with.

All my dreams came true but now what?

I have for the most part sat on my talents and coasted through life; depending on my husband to do the heavy lifting when it came to our dreams and financial goals.

My husband and I still have two girls at home and I’m ready to move to the next level of life. I can no longer sit on my talents and drift with life.

Following your dreams
Following your dreams

Let’s Talk Challenge

You may be wondering what the point to all this is…

I challenge you to look at your life and see if your dreams have come true.

It is never too late to take your Spaniel by the tail both literally and figuratively to make life what you want it to be.

Quit sitting on your talents and take life head on.

Dream Big, Dream often and Make life happen on Your terms.

If you are interested in learning more about your own personal development and that of your Spaniel’s, please let us know. We’ll be happy to arrange a zoom or phone call to answer your questions.

Ted N Yvonne Prescott


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